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connected dating

Sat, 22 Oct



For more depth and authenticity in your relationships

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connected dating
connected dating

Time & Location

22 Oct 2022, 17:00 – 21:00

Zurich, Jupiterstrasse 1, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland

About the event

⚡️ Tired of superficial encounters and relationships?

⚡️ Do you find it difficult to communicate your boundaries and needs?

⚡️ Do you often forget yourself in relation to others?

❣️ Would you like more depth and an environment where you can really open up?

❣️ Do you want to get to know yourself even better and discover your potential in contact with other people?

❣️ Would you like a group of people in which you can practice open communication without having to hide?

Then Connected Dating by Academy of Feelings might be just the thing for you!

Together we open a space of permission where you can show yourself fully with what is pending in your life. With small exercises we quickly create a familiar field where you can feel that other people are in the same boat with you.

Connected Dating is inspired by speed dating, but instead of losing too many words where you can fool yourself and the other person, we do simple, mostly non-verbal exercises that help you to open yourself up and into one to make very authentic contact with your counterpart. The exercises not only help you when it comes to finding a partner, but also in general to be more yourself in interpersonal contact.

All you need is a little courage and the willingness to outgrow yourself ☺️

Exclusion:Connected dating isNotfor people who:

- looking for quick pleasure

- don't really want to get involved with other people

- Judge people by superficial attributes

- think connected dating is all about sex


16.45: Arrival

17.00: Arrive in the group, opening

7.30 p.m.: Afterparty incl. dance floor and bar

Reserve your place in advance!

Take with you: snack, water bottle


  • Frauenticket Connected Dating

    CHF 49.00
  • Männerticket Connected Dating

    CHF 49.00


CHF 0.00

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Data protection in accordance with Art. 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution is guaranteed. All data will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be passed on to third parties.

Unless otherwise noted, Rayén Oberholzer and Manuel Brändli own all text and image rights.
Zurich, August 26, 2022

©2022 Academy of Feelings

Rayen Oberholzer

Manuel Brandli

Jupiterstrasse 1

8032 Zurich

Data protection in accordance with Art. 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution is guaranteed. All data will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be passed on to third parties.

Unless otherwise noted, Rayén Oberholzer and Manuel Brändli own all text and image rights.
Zurich, August 26, 2022

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